Sunday, December 04, 2005

Every story has it's beginning, and every novel has it's ending. The prologue, and the epilogue. I dare not say which part of the story mine is at. To me, it all seems to much of a prologue still. My, how time flies. The moments of two and a half years. I hate to even have the thought of you leaving one day. So much to go through yet, but to know even if we have the chance to carry on now, is vague.

Though all along, the thought of you returning to your motherland, has always been least thought about, but still resides at the back of my head. The worry. The heartfall, in my terms. I hate to see you leave. I don't want to say goodbye. I don't want to see you through a glass panel,watching you walk towards the point of no return. To the country of Maples. Even right now, as I type this, the mere mind pictures of you walking off, is painful enough to break me.

The times we shared, the love we have. O God, I do pray that this little bird of mine won't fly away. Will my prologue also be the epilogue? The beginning of the end? No author writes novels nor stories this way. Noone. Except the author of life. Who is indefinitely an entity that is impossible to predict. I didn't predict this, I couldn't. My mind's slurred. My vision is blurred. I can't think straight except for the thought of prayers to keep you by my side.

Please God, I pray. Don't let this little bird of mine fly away. This fate, I will not surrender to. I know you're listening, I know you read. And I know you feel me O Lord.

I don't want this story to end here. I want it to carry on, till forever. Till you claim our souls. Till our body turns to ashes. If anyone reads this, please pray. Pray that my little bird won't fly away. She's my little bird, that I care for, tend to, and grown to love with all my soul and heart.

Thank you. Thank you all. And thank you God, for letting my little bird fly straight into my life.

Come what may, I will love you till forver. Forever.

Sincerely yours and loving you always,